Category:Standards & Guidelines

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This page currently collates information on guidelines for best practice in creating preservation-sound exhibitions. The content pages listed below are drawn from two main sources: 1. The content on this page is drawn from two separate but related projects:

  1. The Conservation Standards & Guidelines for Exhibitions Utilizing Museum Collections, previously unpublished, was written and developed by the late Toby Raphael, Fellow AIC, Conservation Advisor to the Board of the National Association for Museum Exhibitions and Felicity Devlin, Museum Consultant. The work was funded, in part, by a FAIC Samuel H. Kress Conservation Publication Fellowship.
  1. The Exhibit Conservation Guidelines, which was originally published as a CD-ROM in 1999 by the U.S. National Park Service (NPS) - Harpers Ferry Center (HFC) - Division of Conservation and developed by Toby Raphael, Nancy Davis and Kevin Brookes. View additional publication credits here.

These two products complement each other and have been combined here to encourage collaborative editing and comments; the NPS and American Institute for Conservation (AIC) 2018 memorandum of understanding created an opportunity for joint work towards presenting an updated resource to meet the needs of the cultural heritage community. Texts may have been adapted or revised in its transfer from its original format to the wiki.


This category has the following 6 subcategories, out of 6 total.

Pages in category "Standards & Guidelines"

The following 157 pages are in this category, out of 157 total.