Guideline 18.3
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Guideline 18.3: Museum policies protect objects from particulates and chemical pollutants[edit | edit source]
What museum practices can assist in protecting objects from particulates and chemical pollutants?[edit | edit source]
[Placeholder ideas; needs amplification & revision]
- Smoking is prohibited inside the building
- Smoking is prohibited outside the building near air-intake vents
- Windows are kept shut
- Timely repairs are performed on broken windows and on dried putty and caulking around windows and doors to eliminate cracks, which admit dirt
- Housekeeping keeps dust and particulates to a minimum
- Policy of using object-safe materials, whenever possible, throughout museum
- Caution in the use of chemical sprays for cleaning
- Caution in use of chemicals for pest control (For more information on recommended methods of pest control, see STANDARD 20: Preventing Pest Damage).
- Dedicated space is provided for exhibit construction to reduce particulates and pollutants in the exhibit location
- Appropriate training provided to staff to ensure HVAC is functioning correctly, and there is timely renewal of filters and pollutant absorbers.
- Ongoing costs for housekeeping, and for maintenance and renewal of pollution controls and equipment is included in museum’s operating budget.