PR and Outreach-Exhibiting Conservation

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Contributors: Suzanne Davis, Emily Williams, Rebecca Rushfield, Molly Gleeson, Rachael Arenstein

Background[edit | edit source]

This page is a product of feedback from the 2012 AIC Annual Meeting Outreach Exhibiting Ourselves session. During that session participants mentioned that individuals, institutions and the AIC all have an important role to play in outreach and explaining the fields of conservation and conservation science to allied professionals and the public. This wiki page is the start of a central repository for this information. This information can be used by conservators to lobby for exhibits or content to be included at their institutions. It is hoped that individuals who have participated in past exhibit projects will contribute information to flesh out entries for the basic listings below.

Project Focus[edit | edit source]

There are two main areas for this page.
1. information on things to consider when proposing or executing an exhibit of this type.
2. Developing a comprehensive list of exhibits that mention or explain conservation and/or conservation science and technical art history.
No institution or exhibit is too small or large for inclusion. The way a small historical society may explain preventive care to its public may differ from the way a large art museum explains all the resources that were expended in creating a retrospective exhibit on an artist. Information on all sorts of exhibits is useful. Inclusion of a contact name will help facilitate communication between institutions that may be presenting research on similar artists or techniques.

How You Can Contribute[edit | edit source]

Adding an Entry (directly or indirectly)[edit | edit source]

  • If you don't have the time/interest to become a wiki creator and participate directly online but are interested in adding information to this page, please email your content to the AIC e-editor and cc the ECPN Network Chair. Please include all the information in the format of the template below in your message, attach any images or supplemental content and include Exhibiting Conservation wiki as the subject line.
  • If you are already an AIC wiki creator please add your content as desired.
  • If you are already have a wiki account but need a refresher on how to use MediaWiki, check out the AIC wiki training video as well as the other resources in the Getting Started section of the Main Page.
  • The AIC Wiki User Guidelines offers general information about the terms of use and the background of this resource.

Citation & Reference Format[edit | edit source]

  • The relevant code for the citation within the text is: [[#ref1|Author's Last Name Year]]
  • The relevant code for the end reference is: <span id="ref1"></span> followed by the full reference.
  • Each reference cited within the discussion on a page should have a unique number: ref1, ref2, ref3, etc.
  • References which support the definition of the term or the choice of related terms but are not specifically cited do not require a reference number.
  • References should be arranged alphabetically by author.
  • Use Chicago Manual of Style (author-date) format for your references.

Potential Resources on Conservation Related Exhibits[edit | edit source]

Print Resources[edit | edit source]

Online Resources[edit | edit source]

Williams, Donald C. "What Color is the Sky on Their Home Planet? Lessons Learned from Collaborations in the Bizarre World of Mass Media and Public Appearances". Accessed February 9, 2017 at

Offers useful tips to professional conservators for public speaking and communicating about conservation and preservation. In 2012, Don Williams retired from his position as Senior Furniture Conservator at the Smithsonian Museum Conservation Institute.

Tools for Developing an Exhibit[edit | edit source]

How to lobby effectively for your exhibit idea[edit | edit source]

Reasons why conservation process and technical art history topics are useful in exhibits[edit | edit source]

Things to consider when fabricating a Touch Panel[edit | edit source]

Listing of Conservation Related Exhibits[edit | edit source]

Exhibits are listed in reverse chronological order based on the exhibition opening date. If you do not find an exhibit that you are looking for, check to see if it is listed in the proceeding year. If you created or participated in an exhibit not mentioned here please see the section above to learn how your exhibit can be added. If you were involved in one of the entries listed below and would like to add information to complete the full template please see the How You Can Help section above.

2010 - present[edit | edit source]

2000 - 2009[edit | edit source]

1990's[edit | edit source]

1980's[edit | edit source]

1970's[edit | edit source]

1960's[edit | edit source]

1950's[edit | edit source]