MWG Image Gallery of Damages

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This Gallery provides images that document deterioration or damage caused by the use of inappropriate or incompatible materials for the storage, exhibition, and transport of cultural heritage artifacts. Please use these images and the associated information as a learning resource and share with colleagues so that we may all better care for the objects of our shared history. For more information on choosing appropriate materials visit the Choosing Materials for Storage, Exhibition & Transport and consult the Materials Testing Tables for Oddy and other test results.

A Note About the Organization of the Page: The first gallery includes all images on the page with the most currently posted images at the beginning. The galleries that follow are organized by the material that is damaged. Please contact Justine Wuebold or Emma Guerard for corrections or suggestions.

If you have an image you would like to add to the gallery please see the discussion page for instructions.

This page is managed by members of AIC's Materials Selection and Specification Working Group (MWG). Contributors include those who have worked on the setup and maintenance of this page and/or contributed images: Justine Wuebold, Samantha Springer, Emma Guerard, Patty Silence, Judy Jungels, Morten Ryhl-Svendsen, Gwen Spicer, Olivia Kohler-Maga, Paul Collomon, Ian McCleod

Most recent images[edit | edit source]

CERAMICS & GLASS[edit | edit source]

IVORY, EGG, BONE, & SHELL[edit | edit source]

METALS[edit | edit source]

PAINT/PAINTINGS[edit | edit source]

PAPER/PHOTO[edit | edit source]

PLASTIC (SYNTHETIC)[edit | edit source]

STONE[edit | edit source]

TEXTILES[edit | edit source]

WOOD[edit | edit source]