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Bleeding is “the suffusion of color into adjacent materials; most often caused by water or other solvents” (Demeroukas 2010). This can often be seen on various substrates with soluble media such as ink or paint then exposed to water, solvents or high humidity levels.

Example of Bleeding Ink on a Paper Substrate

Related Terms[edit | edit source]

Stain, Transfer, Color Shift

Synonyms in English[edit | edit source]

Running, Blurring, Muddying

Translation[edit | edit source]

English Bleeding
French Saignement
Spanish Desteñido/Manchado
Portuguese Hemorragia
Italian Emorragia
German Blutung
Chinese (Traditional) 暈染

Discussion[edit | edit source]

Paper objects with soluble materials such as ink are particularly at risk for bleeding. Bleeding can occur when washing the object in water or other solvents or if the object obtains water damage. Bleeding media may transfer media to other portions of the substrate or onto surrounding materials. (CCAHA 2000). Paint can also bleed from one area of a piece into another. (WCCFA).

References[edit | edit source]

Demeroukas, Marie. "Condition Reporting." In Museum Registration Methods, 223. 5th ed. Washington, D.C.: AAM, 2010.

CCAHA. "Water Damage. "Disaster Recovery. Salvaging Art on Paper. Philadelphia: CCAHA, 2000. Accessed on 16 March, 2016 at

WCCFA. "Painting Damage Glossary." Accessed on 16 March, 2016 at

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