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This page contains links to a variety of workflows for different imaging techniques from different institutions and individuals.

Workflows[edit | edit source]

Multispectral/Multimodal Workflows Digital Imaging Workflow for Treatment Documentation, Conservation Division, Preservation Directorate, Library of Congress, Ed: Gwenanne Edwards and Mary Oey, Third Edition, 2018.

The Digital Imaging Workflow for Treatment Documentation is an internal instructional manual for conservation photodocumentation used in the Conservation Division at the Library of Congress.

The Textile Museum MBI Guide, Callista Jerman and Adam Neese, The Textile Museum, 2023.

The Textile Museum MBI Guide is an internal workflow for multiband conservation photodocumentation used in The Textile Museum.

Visible Light Workflows
UV Radiation Workflows LACMA Ultraviolet-induced Visible Fluoresence and Ultraviolet Reflectance Imaging Workflow, Yosi Pozeilov, LACMA Conservation Center, Version 1.0, April 2024.

This document will present the workflow and equipment used by LACMA’s Conservation Center photo studio to produce consistent ultraviolet-induced visible fluorescence and ultraviolet reflected images.

Infrared Imaging Workflows
False-color Workflows
RTI Workflows
3D Imaging Workflows Photogrammetric monitoring workflow, Wendy Rose, Courtauld Institute of Art, Conservation of Wall Painting Department, Appendices MA Dissertation, 2019.

This workflow covers capture, processing, and analysis in Agisoft Metashape Professional 1.5.2 and CloudCompare 2.10.2 Zephyrus. The workflow has been updated and improved upon in later publications by Rose et al., but these updated workflows are currently not shareable on the Wiki.

X-Radiography Workflows

Color Correction Workflows Scene Referred Color Managed Image Capture Workflow, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Scott Geffert & Chris Heins, Version 1.0 May 2023.

The Met's Lightroom based scene referred color calibrated image capture workflow was written with the intention of being accessible to the broadest audience possible, so some of it may seem elementary knowledge to Imaging professionals but is an important foundation for those who are not. The workflow may not be much different from what some are already doing but it has proven effective and reliable across multiple imaging stations with various equipment over the course of years so we wanted to share it.