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Croberts is the username for Caroline Roberts

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Carrie Roberts is an archaeological conservator and a graduate of the Winterthur / University of Delaware Program in Art Conservation. Carrie’s professional background includes internships at the Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology, English Heritage, and the Worcester Art Museum, as well as post-graduate fellowships at the Kelsey Museum of Archaeology at the University of Michigan, the J. Paul Getty Museum, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Carrie joined the Kelsey Museum as a Conservator in 2014. Her interests include the conservation of stone artifacts and architecture in museum and field settings, the characterization of ancient polychromy, and preventive conservation. Carrie’s conservation fieldwork experience includes seasons at Kaman-Kalehöyük in Turkey, Selinunte in Sicily, El-Kurru in Sudan, and Abydos in Egypt. She is a Professional Associate of the American Institute for Conservation and serves as a mentor for the ECPN-HBCU mentorship program.

You can reach her through the Kelsey Museum of Archaeology home page.