Talk:Public Relations and Outreach Resources

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The table of contents from the main page are copied here, to allow the working group and contributors to converse about the page and its content, and to store links before moving them onto the content page.

Suggestion Box[edit source]

The working group assembled the content on the main page in time for the 2012 AIC annual meeting, and is now looking for additional contributions. We are open to all ideas and we expect to hear about many interesting initiatives at the annual meeting! In the meantime, we are hoping to find people to help with the following areas (and see these sections below for details):

  • Getting Started: PR and Outreach: help us by filling in more "Examples in Conservation"
  • Media Relations & Press Releases: see below for questions about press releases and the idea of providing templates
  • Events: help us by providing more specific ideas for events and event planning
  • Speaking and Writing about Conservation and AIC: help us by providing more suggestions and links-see below for ideas and questions
  • Etiquette, Legalities and Ethics: help us by providing more information and tips for "best practices"

Also, please browse all of the headings on this page for information on how the page has evolved and additional questions posed by the working group.

If you have general feedback or specific suggestions for how to improve the Public Relations and Outreach Resources page, please leave your ideas here, or stay tuned to calls for input on the AIC mailing lists and the blog. Your comments will be reviewed by the Working Group and will help determine the direction of ongoing updates and improvements. Our goal is to make this page a useful resource, so your input is essential and appreciated.

Disclaimer[edit source]

There were initially three different options are presented on the site's disclaimer but the group liked the one that is currently on the content page--RPArenstein 18:33, 9 March 2012 (UTC)

Working Group Participants[edit source]

This section lists the working group participants. All should link to their Userpage --RPArenstein 18:34, 9 March 2012 (UTC)

Contributors[edit source]

This section lists all contributors. For any contributors that work directly on the wiki, please link to your userpage.

Content[edit source]

What is PR and why is it important for the field of conservation?[edit source]

Why should conservators care about PR?

Understanding PR formats[edit source]

We moved this section above the Getting Started section to provide basic definitions before launching into tips and tools. This section also used to contain several sub-headings, including Tips, Etiquette, and Links to other resources, but in an attempt to make this section more concise and to avoid duplication in other areas, we moved this information into sections below. --Mgleeson 00:38, 26 April 2012 (UTC)
Should this section be expanded or is it best left fairly concise, since we go into detail about different formats in the next section? I think we can continue to list more Pros and Cons of using these formats for PR. --Mgleeson 19:09, 5 May 2012 (UTC)

Traditional media[edit source]

Types of formats[edit source]

Pros and cons[edit source]

Web-based media[edit source]

Types of formats[edit source]

Pros and cons[edit source]

Getting started: PR and Outreach[edit source]

Objectives & Audience[edit source]

Media Relations & Press Releases[edit source]

Would people like to see some press release templates here, such as fill-in-the-blank forms? We didn't include them at this time because we were concerned that such templates might be misleading-a properly-formatted press release does not guarantee that it will be run. However, we want to know what you think! Also, are there categories of press releases that we should be considering here? --Mgleeson 18:39, 5 May 2012 (UTC)

Web-based Media[edit source]

Blogs[edit source]

Websites[edit source]

Twitter[edit source]

Twitter can be a very powerful tool-I think this section could possibly use more tips on how to use Twitter and examples of how Twitter has been used successfully by organizations and individuals for promotion. --Mgleeson 18:42, 5 May 2012 (UTC)

Agreed. I'm going to start adding content to this section, as I use twitter a lot. --Smorgan (talk) 13:45, 23 July 2014 (CDT)

Facebook[edit source]

LinkedIn[edit source]

Podcasts, Video Podcasts and YouTube[edit source]

Flickr[edit source]

Pinterest[edit source]

Tumblr[edit source]

I will add content to this section. I'd like to include a list of known Tumblr's about conservation and/or run by conservators. We can also include those of Library Special Collections, Museums and Archives.

Email[edit source]

Events[edit source]

This section could be fleshed out more with more specific ideas and tips for event ideas and planning. Specifically, we could provide more information about how to organize and host a conservation clinic with some important things to consider before holding such an event. --Mgleeson 18:44, 5 May 2012 (UTC)

Printed Media[edit source]

Speaking and Writing about Conservation and AIC[edit source]

Conservation[edit source]

We could definitely provide more information here about speaking about conservation. Maybe a talking points tip sheet? --Mgleeson 18:45, 5 May 2012 (UTC)

The American Institute for Conservation (AIC)[edit source]

Packaged Programs available through AIC[edit source]

I'm hoping that others will help add to this. I'm also wondering if we should start a section for content developed by each of the specialty groups and committees? --Mgleeson 19:01, 5 May 2012 (UTC)

AIC website shortcuts[edit source]

Preparing for interviews[edit source]

We had originally thought that we'd break this section up by written, audio and film interviews, as preparation for each is slightly different. Any thoughts about this are welcome! --Mgleeson 19:02, 5 May 2012 (UTC)

Mastering a Media Interview[edit source]

Preparation[edit source]

The Tape Is Rolling - The Interview[edit source]

When interviews go bad – Look forward not back.[edit source]

Etiquette, Legalities and Ethics[edit source]

I definitely think this section should be fleshed out further, possibly with some more specific tips and best practices. --Mgleeson 19:04, 5 May 2012 (UTC)

Etiquette[edit source]

Copyright and Permissions[edit source]

Cultural issues and sensitivities[edit source]

Personal Archiving[edit source]

References[edit source]

Generally best to follow the Chicago Manual of Style: [1]. If you scroll down to the bottom and look at what it recommends for websites and blogs, it says that if we explicitly refer to the website or blog in the text there is no need to cite it formally. We should add date accessed to all of the urls listed in case any become outdated. --Mgleeson 19:05, 5 May 2012 (UTC)
Would people like to see a consolidated list of all of the websites/blogs we refer to on the page in this section? --Mgleeson 19:05, 5 May 2012 (UTC)

Public Relations Society of America(PRSA). 2012. What is Public Relations? PRSA's Widely Accepted Definition