Sustainability Committee Public Statements

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Sustainability Committee Statement on U.S. Tornados

Posted 12-20-2021 16:21

The deadly tornadoes earlier this month in Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Arkansas, Illinois, and Tennessee were unprecedented due to their strength, number, and the time of year in which they occurred. They have resulted in great loss of life and put additional people and cultural heritage in these areas in danger. The Sustainability Committee extends heartfelt thoughts to all those who have been affected.

Events of this strength and size will become more prevalent world-wide as the climate warms and changes due to human activities. One way we can lessen the impact our actions have on future weather magnitude is to apply sustainable practices to conservation and collections care. By utilizing risk assessments and best sustainable practices, we can determine what actions are truly necessary for the preservation of cultural heritage and minimize our impact.

Culture and heritage advocates are on the front lines of many of these disasters and play a key role in demonstrating resilience and advocating for the current and potential loss of cultural sites and monuments. Designing for resilience is more important now than ever before as we adapt to this new normal. If you would like to make positive change in your community, the Sustainability Committee recommends looking to potential cultural partners to work synergistically toward the common goal of combating climate change. We must all make sustainable preparations to stand together against the next wave of destructive extreme weather, which we know is inevitable.

Practical information about disaster response is available through the National Heritage Responders, who are available 24/7 by phone at 202.661.8068 to provide support to institutions whose collections have been impacted by disasters. Resources for personal preparedness and recovery can be found at <>. Please share the NHR hotline information with colleagues in potentially impacted areas.

Has the climate crisis affected you? Let us know how.  Email us at: [[1]].


Katharine Fugett

Associate Objects Conservator, Metropolitan Museum of Art,

Network Officer, AIC Sustainability Committee
