Guideline 9.2

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The following Standards and Guidelines are a work in progress intended to spur discussion between exhibit personnel, conservators and other museum professionals. Please check back in the future as information is added to expand on the Guidelines without currently active links.
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Guideline 9.2: The exhibit team collaborates with technical specialists to identify effective options for meeting the Conservation Requirements[edit | edit source]

Which technical specialists can assist in selecting safeguards to meet the Conservation Requirements?[edit | edit source]

  • Exhibit Conservator: As described in previous standards (see Standards *), an exhibit conservator is key to effective integration of conservation into exhibits. An exhibit conservator serves as the essential liaison between the fields of object preservation and those of exhibit design. They can therefore identify the design strategies and preservation features that will best fulfill the conservation requirements while meeting the interpretive and aesthetic goals of the exhibit. S/he can provide advice on conservation questions concerning modifications to the physical space, the gallery layout, environmental controls, exhibit case design, object mounting techniques, construction materials and exhibit props that are compatible with object safety.

Depending upon the size and complexity of the exhibit and the number and value of the exhibit objects, the exhibit team can consult a variety of other specialists who focus on different aspects of preservation. Such specialists include:

  • Lighting Specialist: can advise the designer on lighting techniques that will meet the conservation requirements for protecting objects from damaging light and heat. The key variables to be manipulated include: electrical current, light and fixture type, lamp wattage and type of beam, lighting distance, type of filters and louvers.

  • Security Specialist: can advise the designer and museum staff on security measures that will provide adequate protection relative to the risk being faced. [For information on security risk assessments see Standard 16.] The security specialist can advise on fabrication techniques and materials selection for cases, staff training, and technological controls.

  • Fire Prevention Specialist: can give advice on fire-rated and resistant materials, such as drapes and coatings and treatments for wood products. The specialist can also advise on technological controls such as alarms and sprinklers. [For information on fire risk assessments see Standard 17.]