Guideline 6.4

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Guideline 6.4:
A conservator writes a comprehensive treatment proposal for each object selected for exhibit.
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What information should be included in the treatment proposal?

Before treatment of an object is carried out, the conservator will write a treatment proposal that should be submitted to the curator who will review and approve it with the concurrence of the museum director.
The proposal should:
• Address all the problems identified in the examination report
• Include a treatment plan that states the objectives and benefits of treatment as well as the limitations and risks
• Provide a general description of the properties of materials to be used
• Include a statement that minor variations in treatment may be required as treatment progresses.
• Include a time estimate and cost estimate (when appropriate)
It should be noted that the treatment proposal usually will not list all the technical details that are listed in the treatment report.

When should treatment be conducted?

Object treatment is usually performed during the fabrication phase of exhibit development. Sufficient time should be allotted to ensure that treatment can be completed before object installation is scheduled.

Sample Treatment Proposal

  • Supplement: Museum Object Treatment Proposals